His nine-month sentence was overturned by Appeal Court judge Lord Justice Watkins. 上诉法院法官沃特金斯撤销了对他作出的9个月徒刑的判决。
The Appeal Court has quashed the convictions of all eleven people. 上诉法庭已经撤销对所有11人的判决。
An appeal court decided their convictions were unsafe. 上诉法庭裁定对他们的判罪证据不足。
The appeal court quashed the care order made by the juvenile court. 上诉法院废除了少年法院签发的监护。
The appeal court quashed the verdict. 上诉法院撤消了裁决。
The Appeal Court rejected the appeal on a technicality. 上诉法院驳回了就技术细节问题的上诉。
The appeal court reduced the fine imposed by the magistrates and released the sentence to seven year's imprisonment. 上诉法院减少了治安官所处的罚金,并将刑期减少到七年。
But a second and rather overlooked aspect of the appeal court ruling could also be important. 但上诉法庭裁决的另一方面、也是被许多人忽略的一面可能也很重要。
Only the appeal court can rule or this point. 只有上诉法庭才能对这一点作出裁决。
The appeal court reversed the decision of the high court. 上诉法院推翻了高级法院的裁决。
The Appeal Court set aside the prisoner's sentence. 上诉法院撤销了对刑事被告的判决。
The appeal court rule that the action of the attorney general is unconstitutional. 上诉法院裁定,检察总长的行为是违反宪法的。
The appeal court reversed the original verdict and set the prisoner free. 上诉法庭撤销了原判,把那个犯人释放了。
The appeal court uphold the sentence. 上诉法庭维持了判决。
Three appeal court judges unanimously disapproved the deal on April 22. 三位上诉法庭法官在4月22日一致决定否决这笔交易。
His sentence was overturned by the appeal court. 上诉法庭撤销了对他的判决。
The appeal court dismissed the appeal by way of case stated. 上诉法院以书面审理下级法院的判案陈述方法驳回上诉。
The judge's decision was set aside by the appeal court. 法官的判决被上诉法庭驳回。
Out of Constitutional Review& The Path of Applying the Constitution in Lawsuits The appeal court rule that the action of the attorney general is unconstitutional. 走出违宪审查的迷思&当今中国宪法进入诉讼的路径分析上诉法院裁定,检察总长的行为是违反宪法的。
The Supreme Court reversed a low-court ruling. The appeal court override the decision of the lower court. 最高法院撤消了下级法院的裁定。上诉法院推翻了下级法院的裁决。
The appeal court reject the appeal on a technicality. 上诉法院驳回了对法律条文特别解释问题的上诉。
The appeal court reduce the fine impose by the magistrate or reduce the sentence to seven year 'imprisonment. 上诉法院减少了治安法官所罚的款额或将刑期减少到7年。
A spokesman for the US Attorney General said lawyers were considering whether to contest the appeal court's decision. 美国首席检察官发言人帕斯金表示,律师们正在考虑是否对上诉法院作出的决定进行辩论。
A High Court judge had dismissed their claim, brought against Mr Brown's publisher Random House, and yesterday three senior appeal court judges upheld that decision. 英国高等法院一位法官已经驳回了他们针对布朗的出版商兰登书屋(RandomHouse)的上诉。昨日,3名资深上诉法院法官对这一判决表示支持。
The appeal court decide unanimously in favour of the defendant. 上诉法院一致作出有利被告的裁决。
The appeal court quash the care order make by the juvenile court. 上诉法院宣布少年法院发出的照看命令无效。
Three appeal court judges had little hesitation in throwing out Mr Keen's claim without even allowing it to go to full trial-and now the House of Lords 'unwillingness to interfere means their decision stands. 上诉法院的三位法官几乎没有犹豫,就驳回了基恩先生的诉求,甚至不允许就案件进行正式审理&而眼下,上议院又不愿意插手,意味着他们的裁决有效。
The appeal court upheld the judge's decision. 上诉法院维持了法官的裁决。
The case have been remit from the appeal court to a lesser tribunal 此案已由上诉法庭转给下级法庭处理
I can't see any rationale of the scheme at all, Mr Justice Rogers said on the fourth day of an appeal court hearing. 我根本看不出该计划有任何道理,罗杰志法官在上诉法庭聆讯的第4天表示。